Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A ray of sunshine

Although we are still only at about 50%, the sunshine is slowly returning to our house. I am feeling a tiny bit better but still in a lot of pain and my tank is only about half full. Jared has been having some really bad chest pains and ended up in the ER last night. They didnt find anything significantly wrong, but they do want him to go see a cardiologist as soon as possible. Grayson still has a really horrible cough, congesstion, and pain. But he is VERY slowly starting to feel better. And his smile has returned!!!Grayson has the sweetest and brightest smile and I am so so happy that it is back. Not all the time and definitely not as much as normal, but it is coming out more and more! YAY!!

 Grant can always make Gray smile!
 Arent they so cute!
 Grant trying to act tough! He is so funny! And he desperately needs a haircut...
 Grant is actually a decent photographer!
 I love this picture he took!
 Grayson is no longer sleeping ALL day, just ALMOST all day. When he is awake he is showing interest in actually playing a little bit, instead of just laying there lifeless. His favorite toy?? His piggies! I LOVE this picture! He is just precious!
GRRR... Get those toes baby!


  1. So, so glad he is improving! I hope you get some rest and get recharded!

  2. yay for feeling better! you better tell jared to get his bummy to the cardiologist asap especially now that we know that jack and chars heart prob is genetic...anywho grayson looks a gazillion times better and I hope you get feeling better soon!
