Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas day

Grayson's side of the tree

Grant's side of the tree

And this is what Jared and I got from Santa!!

Some things Grant got for Christmas included... a watch, new DC shoes, a WE wrestling ring, a scooter, a basketball, basketball shoes, clothes, a dry erase board, lots of legos, a special edition lightsaber, etc, etc, etc.

Some of the things Gray got for Christmas include... new DC shoes, (that match Grant's) a ride on pirate ship, Chuck toys, a toy CD player, a shopping cart, lots of clothes, jammies, several cars and trucks. 
Grant's DCs

Gray checking out his stocking

His new shopping cart

After we finished up at our house we headed to Maama and Papa's for a second round of presents and some breakfast! This is their tree! It was pretty neat how they put money all over it this year!

Gray gray got a horsey! You can tell he loves it!!

Thank you Maama and Papa!!

My Graygray with Aunt CJ and Uncle Brock!

Grant and Gray checking out their stocking loot!

Cute totthless boy in his jammies!

Again Mom and Dad are in the kitchen! For the record, breakfast was perfect this year!
After breakfast Gray needed a nap so we headed home to rest before we went to the Phillips family get together!

Gray opening his gift from Uncle Coco! Look at that cute face!

Thank you Coco! I love my truck!

Could my life be any more blessed?? Seriously I am sooo grateful!

And of course we love uncle Ty!

Then we headed back to my mom and dad's for dinner! It was delicious. Grant and I and BJ and CJ played Monoploy. It was a lot of fun and I won!!

Graygray talking to Oakley!

While Gray was getting sleepy.....

Grant was all wound up and jumping off the walls!

We had an amazing Christmas. We are so fortunate and beyond blessed to have so much wonderful family surrounding us! We love you all! Thank you for enriching our lives so greatly!

Christmas eve

We always spend Christmas eve at my Aunt Susie's! Always have and we all love it!

My cute boys playing so nicely together!!

All of the cousins


Syssa and Nicker

Gray was way too busy to stop and smile for the camera. This is the best picture I could get of them together!

Thank you for the awesome star wars legos Aunt Susu. Santa brought the same ones! Haha

Andrus Christmas get together

Gray helping Meaghan with her poem!

Chelsea and Bentley

Grant putting the nail on the tree

My boys and my cute nephew! Arent they the cutest!

Opening presents

Christmas cookies

Grant loves this tradition so much! For about a week before hand he asked me every day if we were going to go to Maama's to make cookies. When it was finally time he was so excited that he got to go up early and spend time with Papa making the dough. Jared and I and Grayson went Christmas shopping and then joined them later to roll out the cookies and decorate them.

Grant knows that the only time he is allowed on the counter is when we make cookies. I told him to get down and he reminded me that "Maama lets me do it" He sure does love his Maama!

Gray didnt help a whole lot. All he wanted to do was put everything in his mouth.

Yea I am goofy, but these boys make me the HAPPIEST mommy in the entire world!!!

Papa helping Gray make his own cookie!! So cute!

Grayson started saying Papa about a month ago. It is so stinking cute. While we were out shopping we told Gray we were going to Maama and Papa's and he asked for Papa the whole time we were out. I love the amazing bond my boys have with my parents! Even though Gray asks for Papa all the time, he would still prefer Maama!

Grant and Gray both love their aunt CJ

Toothless wonder!!!