When we got to instacare and checked in the nurse imediately came out and tested his oxygen saturation. He tested at 87% which I had no idea what that meant. When they took us back they put the O2 sat. monitor back on him and gave him some oxygen. At this point I was getting worried because I knew they were concerned. The doctor came in and told us he had RSV and he needed to go up to Primary Children's right away and they suggested that he go in an ambulance. I imediately broke down. That is scary stuff. We decided to just take him on our own. We went and dropped Grant off at my mom's and headed up to the hospital.

When we got there we were taken to an exam room. They came in and suctioned out his lungs. It was horrible because, of course, they had to restrain him and he cried so hard and struggled and fought. It was hard to watch. They got a lot of gunk out of his lungs and then they had to send it to the lab to get it tested. Then they came and put the oxygen on him. He was not happy about it and it really bugged him. He kept pulling them out. Then they wanted me to try to feed him because they were worried about dehydration. He ate a little but not much. After they got the results babk from the test they came in and told us that he for sure had RSV and he had to stay the night. I was really upset by that.

Then they took us to our overnight room. It was a shared room, which really sucked. It was very small and only had one (very uncomfortable) chair that turned into a bed. So Jared and I decided that one of us should go home and get some sleep. I wanted so bad to just take my baby and go home, but there was no way I was leaving that hospital without Grayson, so Jared went home. Garyson was so miserable and exhausted, but the family and the little girl in the same room with us was so loud he couldnt get to sleep. He cried and coughed and cried and cough and cried some more. Finally at about midnight the little girl fell asleep, but Grayson didnt. Maybe it wasnt her that was keeping him awake. He cried and coughed ALL NIGHT LONG. It was pure hell!!!

Grayson was miserable, in pain, coughing, stuffed up, and in a strange place. He didnt really even want to be touched at that point, yet they were coming in every hour poking and prodding him. He kept pulling his tubes out, so I had to swaddle him so that he couldnt get to them. I stood over his hospital crib most of the night, rubbing his belly, carressing his face, playing with his hair, and crying. Again I wanted to scoop him up and take him home. I wanted to make him feel good and take all his pain away, but there was really nothing that I could do.

At one point Grayson was crying so hard he was having a hard time breathing. I was rocking him and talking to him, trying to calm him down. He just cried harder. I honestly thought I was going to break. I couldnt handle this on my own, so I asked for help. I started pleading with Cory and Grandma to comfort Grayson, to help him to sleep so that he could get the rest he needed to get well. It was straange because he instantly stopped crying, he looked up at me with red tear stained eyes and he slowly fell asleep. It was amazing. I rocked him for a few more minutes to make sure he was asleep and then I put him in the crib. He slept for about an hour, while I lay next to him listening to him breathe.

I decided I would wait until 7:00 to call Jared and I counted the minutes until then. He was up to the hospital by eight and by that time I really needed him. One thing they were watching Grayson for all night was urine output. He was eating a little but he was not peeing. They were worried about dehydration. The nurse told me at about 4:00 am that if he didnt have a certain amout of output by 8:00 am they would need to do an IV, so that they could give him fluids. He didnt have any output so at about 8:30 they came in and put his IV in. That was horrible as well. The nurse came in to start the fluids and she told us that they would leave him on the fluids for 6 hours and then he would have to be stable for 8 hours before he could go home, so we needed to plan on spending the night again. I was devastated and needed badly to get some sleep and a shower.

Once again Jared and I decided that one of us should go home and get some rest. I knew that I wanted to be the one that stayed the night with him again so I went home to get a shoer, some rest, and some clean clothes. I hated leaving but I knew that if I was going to do another night on my own I needed to take care of myself. I was still feeling really crappy. I took the car and headed home. When I got home I decided to TRY to take a nap first and then I would shower. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold. About ten minutes later my phone rang and it was Jared. He says "I know you are trying to sleep, but the doctor wants to discharge Grayson" I was confused but thrilled. While I was gone he had a pretty wet diaper and they decided that he could go home, but he had to go home on oxygen. So I raced back up to the hospital to get my boys!! I was so elated that we didnt have to spend another night at the hospital. Even if we had a hard night, at least we would be home.

Hopefully we will never have to spend time in the hospital again!!