Sunday, February 13, 2011


It is so nice out today. Usually on sundays we are pretty lazy. It is a day of rest. But me and the boys were bored so we went on a walk to the park. We put jackets on but we didnt need them, it was pretty warm. So I put Grayson in the stroller and we were on our way. He LOVED it so much! He had the biggest smile on his face. I think he was just happy to be outside. What kid doesnt like being outside? Well he loves it! I cant wait for spring and summer. It will be so much fun to show Grayson this big amazing world we live in. We will go to the park and go swimming and play outside all the time!!
Grant really enjoys helping Grayson learn new things and showing him the world too. He was excited to take Graygray down the slide and put him in the swing. Grayson LOVED the swing. I didnt really push him, I just held his hands and pulled him back and forth a little. He giggled and giggled, it was so stinkin cute!
Jared says it is supposed to snow this week, so for the time being we are really enjoying this nice day! And cant wait for the spring to come!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh how are you? Your boys are the most darling things ever! I love your scrapbook ticker, I wish you were here to motivate me to scrap book more! K, so the funnest memories I have of us is when we had that big sleep over and played light as a feather stiff as a board ha ha ha, what fun times!
