Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 months

My sweet little happy boy is 5 months old. Here are some of the things I want to remember about this fleeting moment in his life..

-He is such a happy happy boy
-He is now obsessed with his feet and putting them in his mouth
-It only took him one short day to figure out that he can get his socks off
-He is a great eater and loves real food
-He is still mostly breastfeeding
-He is in constant motion and hardly ever holds still
-But when he is tired he is so cuddly
-He still loves his blankie
-He would take or leave the binki, unless he is tired, then he wants it
-EVERYTHING goes in his mouth
-He is finally sleeping through the night again
-When he is tired and he is fghting to stay awake he moans (it is the cutest thing ever)
-I absolutely love it when he lays down and falls asleep on my shoulder
-The bond between Grant and Grayson is ever growing
-He wont stay on a blanket anymore, because he can scoot himself or roll
-He is such a JOY to have around
-We love him so so much!

Happy 5 months to my little Gray-Gray!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 5 months Gray!! I can't believe how fast the time goes!!
