Saturday, August 20, 2011

Grayson 1 year (almost) pictures

Are you ready for a cuteness overload? Cause I have to say, these pictures of my little man are just about the cutest thing ever! I want to be able to display some of these pictures at his party and I am including one in the party invite, so we had them done with plenty of time to do those things. It is just my luck that the day we had these taken he was totally off his schedule and was so tired, sowe really had to work for some of these smiles. Kristen is always so great though (I just love her) I think they turned out amazing, even though he was not a very happy boy. He did however LOVE his cake! At first he wasn't sure what to do with it. He has never had cake before, so it was all very new. My BFF Sara's mom made the cute diaper cover for me, which he looked so cute in while eating his cake! Grant was so ditraught that Grayson got to eat all that cake and he didnt. Well as you can see, he snuck in and got some for himself! Little stinker!
Oh and by the way, mass amounts of frosting is not easy to clean off. But we had so much fun doing this!

 It was windy
 I love this cute face he makes
 I could just eat him up!

 Oh he is so silly
 YAY Gray Gray
 He couldnt figure out why the heck we were putting him in a cup

 This is so neat. I love that Kristen suggested this, because I just love it! It seems like just yesterday he was drowning in that tea cup.

 Here Gray, you have some and then I will have some!
 Hey Grant, this is mine!

 Even after Grayson smashed it, sat in it, and stepped in it Grant still wanted some! EWWW
This was the cake before the "cake smash"

And if you didnt get enough of this little cutie here, head on over to facebook because there are more adorable pictures there.

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