I haven't posted for awhile so here comes a picture overload of my cute kiddos!!
Gray LOVES to color and is getting pretty dang good at it!
He seriously reminds me so much of Grant at this age!
Last Saturday, although none of us felt very good, we went up to Maama's and Papa's to color Easter eggs!
Papa always gets in on the fun! He is such a good sport!
Easter morning Grant found Grayson's basket first!
Gray was so excited about his "coke", which is what he calls pudding. I have no idea why, but it is funny!
Gray checking out his basket.
Grant got a Star Wars toy he has been asking for forever.
And a bunch of other stuff!!
Gray just eating his lunch he just cooked at Maama's house!
(pretend obviously)
This is Grays favorite spot at my mom and dad's, under the desk in the kitchen. The Easter bunny came and hid his basket there and I am surprised he didn't find it sooner than he did.
He was excited! He got 2 awesome new books and his own bag of shishies!! Among other fun things!
Grant's basket was a little harder to find! But man was he excited to see that it was a basket full of candy!
Papa is in BIG trouble for that!
Grayson wouldn't eat much of his lunch but he did steal Papa's sandwich and eat it. Crazy boy!
We love to just hang out at mom and dad's!
Then we had an Easter egg hunt. Notice Gray putting Papa's sandwich on the ground so he can get the egg!
I cant believe how big this boy is getting. He will be 8 soon! WOW!!!
Gray just loves to be outside!
Uncle Brock hid the eggs and he stumped Grant on some of them!
The golden egg was in the BBQ. It had a $5 bill in it!
And Grayson thought "If mom wont let me have one of these reeses I will just eat it with the wrapper on it."
Okay seriously when did Gray get so big? I'm dying!!! Cutest G boys ever!!!!