Saturday, June 25, 2011

Daybreak/Extreme Makeover

 So Extreme Makeover:Home Edition is in Daybreak this week. We wanted to go check it out and I really wanted to touch I mean see Ty. I knew I wouldnt see him, but it would be fun if we did.
 This is the house they are building for the family. It doesnt look very big, but it actually wraps around the back and it seems like it will actually be pretty decent sized. It is only 2 streets away from our lot that we are building on.
 Grant thought this was so neat! He was in awe of the big tractors and the crane. We were explaining to him what was happening and why they were doing things. He thought it was pretty neat, and then he got bored. LOL
 They were building the roof trusses right on the side of the road
 No photos??? OOPS!! LOL
 So there is this small little house thing that they are building next door. We were wondering what it was, so I finally just asked someone. It is a mother-in-law's appartment. Pretty nice, if you ask me!
 So we love to go out to Daybreak. Jared and I have dreamed of living out in Daybreak ever since we got married, and we are really excited to be working on that dream now. We enjoy spending time out there. We took Grant's bike and the stroller and went for a walk
 How cute is this happy little guy!
 I just love him so much!
 Gorgeous sunset over the lake!
 Oh I love this boy too!

 For me, there is NOTHING better than family time!!!
 This picture makes me laugh, cause this is so Grant! Classic Grant look!

 The faces Gray makes lately are so stinkin funny!
And this is my favorite picture of the day... My baby boy looking up to his big brother!! PRECIOUS!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Little Fishies!

Yesterday Sara (BFF) asked me if we wanted to meet them at the pool today. I told her I would have to see how I was feeling. My anemia has been really bad lately and it is hard for me to do much of anything due to lack of energy. I know it just sounds like an excuse to be lazy right? But Jared and I have learned from past episodes that it can go from bad to REALLY bad REALLY quick. So this morning I was feeling half way decent and I was bound and determined to go swimming with my babies! We had so much fun, but looking back on it now, it probably wasnt a great idea. Anyway...
 I didnt get a ton of great fun pictures because I wanted to get in on the fun and I wasnt going to take my camera in the water with me. Grayson LOVED swimming!!
 I am so proud of Grant! He did so good and wasnt being afraid like he was last year. He was jumping in off the side of the pool in the deep part where he couldnt touch! Last year he wouldnt even put his head under the water and this year I couldnt keep him out!
 This is when we first got there and Grayson was loving kicking and splashing!
 He was a little timid at first but he warmed up really quickly. I was throwing him around and dunking him under the water and he loved it! Had a big cheesy grin the whole time!

 Zoey is a little fishy too! Isnt her swimsuit so cute!
 Grant definitely has a NEW found love of the water!
 Sara's little Oliver is so fun and crazy in the water! He is fearless and carefree! I really hope Grayson will be a little more like Ollie!
 CUTE little stinker!
 Drying off so he can get an ICEE like mommy promised!
 After a few hours of water fun Grayson was tired but still such a happy boy! This little man sure does love life!
And... I got fried! I came home and took some ibuprofen and passed out on the couch for a couple hours. Thank you to Sara for a fun day and thank you to my awesome husband for taking care of the kids and letting me sleep.

Monday, June 20, 2011


 The neighbors usually cant play at 7:00 or 8:00 in the morning so I make Grant wait until 10:00 or 11:00 to go over there to see if they can play. Everyday they play all day long. I usually have to force him to come in to eat dinner and when we are done with dinner he goes back out to play until dark. By the time he gets home at night he is exhausted!
 Here they are having a "water day" as they like to call it! They all put their swim suits on and do anything they can that has to do with water, slip'n slide, water balloons, water guns, they will even just squirt eachother with the hose. I am so glad Grant has good friends right across the street to keep him busy this summer cause Grayson is certainly keeping me busy!
 He is such a cute little stinker! He is absolutely possitively growing up WAY too fast for my liking. Knowing that this will be my last baby, I want him stay little longer. But I must say all these new stages are so much fun! Right now he LOVES food! He loves trying all kinds of new foods and likes everything. His favorites are meat sticks, cucumbers, and anything that comes from my plate! He is also all over the place. He has his own (VERY CUTE) version of the army crawl and I love it!! I have got it on tape, I should figure out how to post it!
 This past weekend we went down to the sidewalk chalk arts festival. It was so neat there were some really amazing pieces! This was by far my favorite because it is the one Grant made for me!!
 But this one was pretty amazing too!
 Oh I love these boys so much!!
 For fathers day we went to my parents and Grayson had his first rib! He loved it! At first he just held it and looked at it, like he wasnt sure what to do with it. But once he figured out that it taste yummy he didnt want it taken away!
 Grant had his first ever rib at Maama and Papa's when he was about this same age!
 And he still loves ribs! My boys are definitely carnivores! Thank you mom and dad for the awesome dinner and of course the great company! We love you so much!
 My daddy and his little monkey boys!
And here is my cute Gray! His brother was teaching him what sport and team he should be a fan of! GO UTES!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Grant's birthday party

 Grant and Kysa
 Jared head first down the big slide
 Grant and Cody
 Brock and CJ raced through the obstacle course
 Maama Susu Syssa and Papa
 Cool dude!
 3 brother pile up

 He was so excited about this robe from Maama and Papa
 And super excited about Never Say Never
 And dont forget his favorite gift of all, a skateboard from uncle Coco
 I love this boy!!